Sunday, May 12, 2019

Avengers Endgame

I'm putting my geek hat on to talk about Avengers Endgame, as well as a few foolish comments I saw out there. First off, there's this idiotic commentary out there that Endgame ripped off Batman Vs. Superman. That's just foolish. BvS , while not a terrible movie and one I found fairly enjoyable, was not anywhere near the caliber of Endgame. It was vastly inferior. Why would you rip off a lesser product with a superior one? So far there have only been three great DC movies, Shazam, Aquaman, and to a lesser extent, Wonder Woman. While Marvel has had its stinkers too, (Captain Marvel, Spider-Man-Homecoming, Thor Ragnarok, and most especially, Iron Man 3) for the most part, all of the Marvel movies have been at least very entertaining, and some, outright spectacular. Endgame is the most spectacular of the movies, especially the final hour. Infinity War was a better movie, as it was almost flawless. Endgame had many flaws in it or just bad writing. Thor as a whiney, drunken loser was the worst offence. The Hulk being completely useless was the next one. They castrated the two heaviest hitters in the MCU against Thanos. Fat Thor must never return, and the guy who directed Ragnarok should never touch the God of Thunder, again (He appeared in Endgame as the stone man who was playing video games in Thor's home. I forgot his name at this point) Killing the Black Widow? Why? Also ,what happened to her relationship with Bruce banner? Five years later and there's no mention of it. Killing Tony Stark? That's just ludicrous. It was awful. Aging Cap? I know it's been done ad nauseum in the comics, but c'mon. If these guys don't want to play the parts that made them famous (Including Downey, Jr.) then recast them as younger versions of themselves and move on. I don't want the SJW agenda in my Avengers films. If we get an all female Avengers movie, I'll pass. If we get more politically correct nonsense in the movies, I'll pass. These should be about entertainment, not pushing an agenda. Endgame was excellent beyond the complaints I listed above. The final battle was one for the ages. It was fitting that it ended with Iron Man; but he shouldn't have died.

Monday, March 11, 2019

My rankings of each and every Marvel Movie

My Marvel Movie Rankings

The first part of this is a list of the marvel movies in chronological order of release, then follows my rankings 


·         1 Phase One

·         2 Phase Two

·         3 Phase Three

o    3.1 Captain America: Civil War (2016)

This is a list of every marvel movie from Iron Man all the way through Captain Marvel.  I’m going to give you my rankings on each film, starting from worst, to first.

21) Iron Man 3- I hated this movie. They screwed up the Mandarin, royally, and then they had Tony have to be saved by his girlfriend. I didn’t pay $20 to go see the incredible Pepper Potts. An absolutely awful movie.

20) Spider-Man: Homecoming-It’s just not Spider-Man, period. They took way too many liberties with the source material. The character was more acceptable in Civil War and in Infinity War. 

19) Captain Marvel-Not my favorite marvel movie. It had some cool moments, and the space battle scenes were what I’ve been waiting for since all of this began, but they did Captain Mar-Vell a huge disservice in here, and they represented the Skrulls as asylum seekers, instead of the evil threat they have been since Marvel comics began. I have no empathy for the Skrulls and also, there were so many plot holes in this thing you could have driven a starship through them.

18) Thor: Ragnarok-I wanted to like it, I really did, but way too much humor and, once again, way too many plot holes. Not a fan. It did have its moments, but not enough of them. 

17) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2-Meh. That fact that Starhawk and crew are now nothing more than cosmic thugs and gangsters instead of the cosmic heroes they were in the future just annoys the hell out of me. Decent action and an okay flick, otherwise. Kurt Russel was outstanding. 

16) Guardians of the Galaxy- A little silly for me. But overall not a bad movie. I enjoyed it, for the most part.

15) Thor: The Dark World-I liked this movie. There was too much of the Scooby gang in it, and not enough of Thor saving the day, but otherwise it was good.

14) Black Panther-Pretty good marvel movie. I liked it. Nothing terrible to say about it, other than the plot was something we’ve seen over and over again (Brother vs. almost brother for a kingdom, see Thor Vs. Loki  etc.) Though, the fact that these people were so advanced and yet still had dirt streets annoyed me. 

13) Ant-Man- Enjoyable and fun. A really good movie. Lighthearted. A home run.

12) Incredible Hulk- I liked this film. The Abomination/Hulk battle was great. Betty and Bruce were such star crossed lovers it tugged at the heart. Good flick!

11) Iron Man 2-While a lot of people hate this movie, it remains as one of my favorites. Yes, there were liberties with certain characters throughout, but overall, I really liked it a lot. One of my favorites!

The top ten. These are the crème de la crème of marvel movies to me.

10) Thor An excellent movie that cemented Thor in the marvel universe. The battle with the Destroyer was epic.

9) Ant-Man and the Wasp-Rarely does a film franchise improve with another addition, yet this one did. A really good movie! 

8) Captain America: The First Avenger- This one laid the groundwork for everything that came after. A fantastic movie!

7) Iron Man- The first marvel movie! Everything harkens back to this one and the charismatic portrayal of Tony Stark. One of my favorites! A lot of ‘Wow!’ moments watching this over and over!

6) Captain America-Civil War- Spinning out of the events of Age of Ultron, this was such a fun, yet dark movie. Also, Tony was right…

5) Avengers: Age of Ultron- Second showing for the Avengers, and great stuff! It was spectacular on every level. 

4) Captain America- The Winter Soldier- Good lord, was this thing GREAT!!! One of my absolute favorite of the bunch. It was fantastic!

3) Dr. Strange-Cosmic and mystical on every level; it was my favorite solo film of the MCU. I loved it!

2) Marvel’s The Avengers-What can you say? We waited years for this one and it didn’t disappoint. It was amazing! 

1) Avengers-Infinity War-The culmination of everything Marvel Cinematic Universe. An absolutely incredible movie!!! The scope of this film is beyond belief! A fantastic movie! 

And there you have it, my rankings of each marvel movie since 2008. Hope you enjoyed them, thanks!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Punisher Season two

I binged this over the weekend, and I loved it. It was great. It was different and filled with action. The story went in different directions I didn't expect and that did it all for me. It was excellent. Bernthal, while not my perfect Punisher in stature, does a good job playing troubled vigilante Frank Castle. There was only one episode that got a little too boring for me. I think it was the 4th or 5th episode.  I have to say, this was really great. I literally binged the last eight episodes on Sunday. It was so good, Netflix should cancel it any minute now.

Monday, January 7, 2019

So Bumblebee...

          I'm probably going to hear flack about this; but this was my least favorite of the Transformers movies. While it was okay, it wasn't great. I loved most of the franchise. This one was just, like I said already, 'okay.' 
          It had a little too slow of a pace for me, and the young girls shmaltzy story was supposed to be heart wrenching, but it just felt very cliched'. 
          Was it good overall? Absolutely. The robot designs were so much better in this movie than in previous Transformer flicks, where I always found the action very hard to follow once they got wrapped up in each other and rolling across the ground. Here, they had the classic 70's look, which is exactly what they were supposed to look like. This part of it, they got right. Bee got his metallic butt kicked through most of it, but at the end he showed why he was really a soldier. The fights were on a much smaller scale than previous Transformers movies, which I liked. The music was perfect 80's vintage (The film took place in '87, I think. At least the beginning did, but when Bumblebee is found in a scrapyard he's covered in dust and an old tarp, so I'm not sure how long he was supposed to be there.)

         Overall, good movie, enjoyable, but it seemed more aimed at the teenage set than the earlier films were. I'd say 3 1/2 out of 5 stars, maybe 4 stars if you're really '80's Transformers nostalgic.