Sunday, May 12, 2019

Avengers Endgame

I'm putting my geek hat on to talk about Avengers Endgame, as well as a few foolish comments I saw out there. First off, there's this idiotic commentary out there that Endgame ripped off Batman Vs. Superman. That's just foolish. BvS , while not a terrible movie and one I found fairly enjoyable, was not anywhere near the caliber of Endgame. It was vastly inferior. Why would you rip off a lesser product with a superior one? So far there have only been three great DC movies, Shazam, Aquaman, and to a lesser extent, Wonder Woman. While Marvel has had its stinkers too, (Captain Marvel, Spider-Man-Homecoming, Thor Ragnarok, and most especially, Iron Man 3) for the most part, all of the Marvel movies have been at least very entertaining, and some, outright spectacular. Endgame is the most spectacular of the movies, especially the final hour. Infinity War was a better movie, as it was almost flawless. Endgame had many flaws in it or just bad writing. Thor as a whiney, drunken loser was the worst offence. The Hulk being completely useless was the next one. They castrated the two heaviest hitters in the MCU against Thanos. Fat Thor must never return, and the guy who directed Ragnarok should never touch the God of Thunder, again (He appeared in Endgame as the stone man who was playing video games in Thor's home. I forgot his name at this point) Killing the Black Widow? Why? Also ,what happened to her relationship with Bruce banner? Five years later and there's no mention of it. Killing Tony Stark? That's just ludicrous. It was awful. Aging Cap? I know it's been done ad nauseum in the comics, but c'mon. If these guys don't want to play the parts that made them famous (Including Downey, Jr.) then recast them as younger versions of themselves and move on. I don't want the SJW agenda in my Avengers films. If we get an all female Avengers movie, I'll pass. If we get more politically correct nonsense in the movies, I'll pass. These should be about entertainment, not pushing an agenda. Endgame was excellent beyond the complaints I listed above. The final battle was one for the ages. It was fitting that it ended with Iron Man; but he shouldn't have died.

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