Sunday, April 27, 2014

Your Daily Ralph: Lazarus Gray: Eidolon review

Lazarus Gray: Eidolon review


Barry Reese makes magic, especially with his series set in the classic pulp era of the late 30’s. The newest release in the Lazarus Gray series. Subtitled ‘Eidolon’ is no exception. Within the first few pages the book had my total attention. It’s another adventure into the unknown with larger than life thugs, Nazi’s, mummies and immortal sorceress’s.

But the real bad guy in this book was a charter named the Darkling who reminded me very much of a classic pulp hero, at least until he seemed to lose his mind completely by stories end. This was just another fun romp with ‘Lazarus Gray and Assistance Unlimited’. I’ve come to enjoy this series very much, and that hasn’t changed with each new release. Barry has these characters down pat and they leap off the page into full life in the reader’s imagination. These are great stories.

Was there anything I didn’t like? Yes, two things but I have to assume they are story points that will be revisited in a later volume, so I’m reserving judgment until I see where Barry goes with this all. I’m sure it’ll be exciting. Lazarus Gray: Eidolon. Go buy it and read it. It’s very enjoyable and a lot of fun.

As always all of my own books are available at or



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